A script to symbolicate crash log and verify if the crash log file matches the build UUID

To get the best symbolication result, or event to get a proper symbolication of a crash log, the appropriate dSYM and application build is required. The symbolicatecrash tool allows to symbolicate a crash log that doesn't exactly match the build and dSYM that you would like to use. This script besides the symbolication, it also checks if the crash log UUID matches the build UUID. Just run this script on a folder with your .ipa, the corresponding .dSYM, and (1+) .crash files. Will output symbolicated sym-*.crashes for you.

Download the script

# Fool'n'Lazy-Proof iOS .crash Symbolication
# Just run this script on a folder with your `.ipa`, the corresponding `.dSYM`, 
# and (1+) `.crash` files. Will output symbolicated `sym-*.crash`es for you.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Ferran Poveda (@fbeeper)
# Provided under MIT License (MIT): http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/
# Extended by Lukasz Sliwinski to check equality of the build's UUID with the crash logs

function checkForRequiredFileOfType() 
	count=`find $1 -print -quit 2> /dev/null | wc -l | awk '{print \$1}'`
	if [[ $count > 0 ]]; then
		echo "Found a $1 file"
		echo "Missing a $1 file! Need *.ipa + *.dSYM + *.crash files."

function checkForRequiredFiles()
	checkForRequiredFileOfType "*.ipa"
	checkForRequiredFileOfType "*.dSYM"
	checkForRequiredFileOfType "*.crash"

# Define location of symbolicatecrash binary (defaults to Xcode location, but can be defined on params)

# Let's make sure you haven't forgotten any file

# Extract .ipa and define where the binary is (assuming it has the same name)
ipa=`find *.ipa -print -quit`
bsdtar -xf "$ipa" -s'|[^/]*/||'
app=`find *.app -print -quit`

dSYM=`find *.dSYM -print -quit`
uuid=`dwarfdump -u $dSYM | perl -ne 'print $1 if /UUID: (.*) \(arm64\)/s' | cut -c 1-42 | tr -d '-' | awk '{ print tolower($0) }'`

echo ""
echo "Build UUDD: $uuid"
echo ""

# Symbolicate all .crash files
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
for i in *.crash; do

	if [[ ! $i == sym* ]]; then # Skips previous output files from this script

		build_name=`grep '{"app_name":' $i | perl -ne 'print $1 if /{"app_name":"([^"]+)","/s' | awk '{ print($0) }'`

		crashFileUuid=`grep --after-context=1000 "Binary Images:" $i | grep "$build_name arm64" | perl -ne 'print $1 if /.*<(.*)>/s' | awk '{ print($0) }'`

		if [ "$uuid" == "$crashFileUuid" ]; then
			"$symbolicatecrash" "$i" "$app" > "sym-$i"
			echo "✅ Symbolicated $i"
			echo "❌ skipped $i (crash UUID [$crashFileUuid] do not match build's UUID: [$uuid]"


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